SCE have just confirmed that the PS Vita will have six augmented reality games available at launch, three of which will be included in the package for free. The A.R. titles (all of them working titles) to hit this platform are the following;
Pulsar (a platform game where the user has to guide a beam of light using A.R. cards toward a goal)
TableTop: Sports Diving where the user throws avatars off your real table into a pool
Pocket Garden (where the user grow plants out of the A.R. cards i guess)
Fireworks (no information is yet available, but I'm pretty sure that fireworks are involved)
Pocket War (a tank battle game)
FlickBall (a virtual soccer game using your real surfaces as the pitch)
SCE have failed to confirm which of the three titles will be free, but all of them seem to be an awesome lineup.