Ion Maiden: An old school fps

Ion Maiden, the old-school first-person shooter developed by Voidpoint and published by 3D Realms and 1C Entertainment, blows away Steam Early Access participants with new content that debuted at PAX South over the weekend.

Initially playable only at this past weekend’s PAX South, this new content introduces an all-new level called Heskel’s House of Horrors, new weapons and new enemies to anyone who currently owns or purchases the Early Access campaign.

Skewer cyber-cultists with a shiny new crossbow and dual wield sub-machine guns to mow down anyone foolish enough to cross Shelly’s path. Heskel’s House of Horrors hides both horrific enemies and clever secrets. Bask in the gory, pixelated ‘90s-style FPS explosions you create ahead of Ion Maiden’s full release later this year.