Ever since motion controls were launched, developers have been trying to integrate them with hard core titles, but the hard core gamers have been reluctant to change and a full on overhaul was never an option. As motion controls have been tweaked and improved, developers have been trying to find a compromise by integrating the strong features in motion controls to the classic controls the public fell in love with. The Kinect has opened a huge door for developers and lately it has exploded in the world of development studios. Seeing as all Xbox IPs have been including some of the Kinect's features, it would have been rather strange if 343i did try to integrate it to the Halo franchise. The upcoming addition to the Halo franchise, Halo Anniversary (which is basically a remastering) will integrate three Kinect features to the gameplay, and these are;
Voice Commands – The Kinect has broaden the horizon for voice recognition integration in game nowadays and Halo Anniversary will make use of this feature to reload, launch grenades, and also switch between the original resolution (Classic Mode) or the Remastered graphics. More voice Command features shall be added in the near future.
Analyze Mode – This feature lets you scan items you find during the single player campaign into a virtual inventory, such as vehicles, characters, enemies and weapons by simply saying the word scan when approaching an item. Your inventory list will grow exponentially, and the user will be able to collect and analyze analyze as much content as he desires.
Motion Control Menus – The Inventory list we mentioned before is known as the Library, and as explained it will hold ever detailed information of every item the user scans, and thanks to the Kinect the user can now examine items, scroll through then, and manipulate them using gesture control.
We look forward to what looks like a faithful remastering of a trend setting game by a faithful development team.